Movie Time “Koon Hna Eain Tan Ka Ma Jan Bon” by Director Maung Wunna
Among the old unwatched films, this movie programme will stream "Koon Hna Eain Tan Ka Ma Jan Bon", one of the fine art pieces of Director Maung Wunna. Most original film reels of this film have been decayed. The telecine version of this film is being stored on Umatic...
Save Myanmar Film organized a “Film Digital Restoration Workshop” conducted by Imagica Lab (Japan)
In the beginning of 2020 in February, Save Myanmar Film conducted the first fully equipped digital restoration workshop in Yangon with experienced professional Japanese archivists/trainers from Imagica Lab (Japan). Altogether thirteen enthusiastic participants take...
Save Myanmar Film conducted two-day Magnetic Tapes Digitization Workshop at IPRD funded by MOWCAP ACC small grants
A two-day workshop about magnetic tapes digitization was led by Okkar together with his teammates and trainers in December 2019 at IPRD (International and Public Relation Department) under Ministry of Information. The workshop was funded by MOWCAP (Memory of the...
“The Daughter of Japan” is handed over to Myanmar and digital restored version is screened in Yangon for the first time.
In March 2020, Save Myanmar film organized the official handing over ceremony of the Digital Cinema Package of “The Daughter of Japan” to Myanmar by National Film Archive of Japan and Embassy of Japan in Myanmar. There was a special screening event of the...
The Daughter of Japan” is being scanned to be digitally restored
From the 1st to 5th of September 2019, two core members, Okkar and Pyin Nyar Zeya, from Save Myanmar Film went to Japan to study the digital restoration of “The Daughter of Japan” and could document the process of film scanning and digital restoration.
Save Myanmar Film as the Best Archival Project in the Region Award
Mr. Sanchai receiving “The Best Archival Project of the Region” on behalf of Save Myanmar Film Team